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阅读 2014/12/30 15:48:29来源:龙岗政府在线 作者:牛海滨


  Yuanshan Scenic Spot is situated at Henggang Street, Longgang District and covers 10 square kilometers with meandering chains of mountains, winding and deep gully. It is honored as the home garden of Shenzhen due to its well preserved primitive vegetation.


  Yuanshan Scenic Spot is one of the eight new sights in new Longgang. Tourists would completely enjoy its quietness and peace, and feel the green ecological surroundings. In the meantime, there are comfortable villas, functional meeting rooms,fishing lake, attractive fruit orchards, a family farm, and thrilling karting.


  Yuan Shan provides us an ecological space and is a green paradise for leisure, fitness and holiday.

  地址: 深圳市龙岗区横岗街道大康社区公园路

  Address: Park Road, Dakang Community, Henggang Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen City


  Telephone: 0755-28675668


  Ticket: 15 Yuan


  Website: http://www.szyuanshan.com


  Bus: 907, 932

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